Source code for ecoscope.analysis.UD.etd_range

import math
import os
import typing
from dataclasses import dataclass

import numba as nb
import numpy as np
import scipy
import sklearn
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.stats import weibull_min

from ecoscope.base import Trajectory
from import raster

@nb.cfunc("double(intc, CPointer(double))")
def __etd__(_, a):
    s = a[0]
    k = a[1]
    el = a[2]
    m = a[3]

    return np.exp(-((s / el) ** k)) * s ** (k - 2) / np.sqrt(s**2 - m**2)

_etd = scipy.LowLevelCallable(__etd__.ctypes)

[docs] class WeibullPDF:
[docs] @staticmethod def fit(data, floc=0): # returns estimates of shape and scale parameters from data; keeping the location fixed shape, _, scale =, floc=floc) return shape, scale
[docs] @staticmethod def pdf(data, shape, location=0, scale=1): # probability density function. return weibull_min.pdf(x=data, c=shape, loc=location, scale=scale)
[docs] @staticmethod def cdf(data, shape, location=0, scale=1): # cumulative distribution function. return weibull_min.cdf(x=data, c=shape, loc=location, scale=scale)
[docs] @staticmethod def nelder_mead(func, x0, args=(), **kwargs): # minimization of scalar function of one or more variables using the Nelder-Mead algorithm. return minimize(fun=func, x0=x0, args=args, method="Nelder-Mead", **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def expected_func(speed, shape, scale, time, distance): # time-density expectation function for two-parameter weibull distribution. _funcs = [ 4 * shape / (math.pi * scale * speed), math.pow((speed / scale), shape - 1), math.exp(-1 * math.pow(speed / scale, shape)) / math.sqrt(np.square(speed) * np.square(time) - np.square(distance)), ] return
[docs] @dataclass class Weibull2Parameter(WeibullPDF): shape: float = 1.0 scale: float = 1.0
[docs] @dataclass class Weibull3Parameter(WeibullPDF): # Weibull parameterization using scale=a(t^b)(c^t) shape: float = 1.0 a: float = 1.0 b: float = 1.0 c: float = 1.0
[docs] def calculate_etd_range( trajectory_gdf: Trajectory, output_path: typing.Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike], max_speed_kmhr: float = 0.0, max_speed_percentage: float = 0.9999, raster_profile: raster.RasterProfile = None, expansion_factor: float = 1.3, weibull_pdf: typing.Union[Weibull2Parameter, Weibull3Parameter] = Weibull2Parameter(), ) -> None: """ The ETDRange class provides a trajectory-based, nonparametric approach to estimate the utilization distribution (UD) of an animal, using model parameters derived directly from the movement behaviour of the species. The model builds on the theory of "time-geography" whereby elliptical constrain- ing regions are established between temporally adjacent recorded locations. Parameters ---------- trajectory_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame output_path : str or PathLike max_speed_kmhr : float max_speed_percentage : 0.999 raster_profile : raster.RasterProfile expansion_factor : float weibull_pdf : Weibull2Parameter or Weibull3Parameter Returns ------- output_path : str """ # if two-parameter weibull has default values; run an optimization routine to auto-determine parameters if isinstance(weibull_pdf, Weibull2Parameter) and all([weibull_pdf.shape == 1.0, weibull_pdf.scale == 1.0]): speed_kmhr = trajectory_gdf.speed_kmhr shape, scale = # update the shape/scale parameters weibull_pdf.shape = shape weibull_pdf.scale = scale # reproject trajseg to desired crs trajectory_gdf = trajectory_gdf.to_crs( # determine envelope of trajectory x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = trajectory_gdf.geometry.total_bounds # apply expansion factor on the trajectory total bound. if expansion_factor > 1.0: dx = (x_max - x_min) * (expansion_factor - 1.0) / 2.0 dy = (y_max - y_min) * (expansion_factor - 1.0) / 2.0 x_min -= dx x_max += dx y_min -= dy y_max += dy # update the raster extent for the raster profile raster_profile.raster_extent = raster.RasterExtent(x_min=x_min, x_max=x_max, y_min=y_min, y_max=y_max) # determine the output raster size num_rows, num_columns = ( raster_profile.rows, raster_profile.columns, ) # maximum trajectory segment speed value max_trajseg_speed = trajectory_gdf.speed_kmhr.max() # determine max-speed value if max_speed_kmhr > 0.0: maxspeed = max_speed_kmhr else: # Use a value calculated from the CDF maxspeed = weibull_pdf.scale * math.pow( -1 * math.log(1.0 - max_speed_percentage), 1.0 / weibull_pdf.shape, ) if maxspeed <= max_trajseg_speed: raise ValueError( f"ETD maximum speed value: {maxspeed} should be greater than " f"trajectory maximum speed value {max_trajseg_speed}" ) # Define the affine transform to get grid pixel centroids as geographic coordinates. grid_centroids = np.array(raster_profile.transform.to_gdal()).reshape(2, 3) grid_centroids[0, 0] = x_min + raster_profile.pixel_size * 0.5 grid_centroids[1, 0] = y_max - raster_profile.pixel_size * 0.5 centroids_coords =, np.mgrid[1:2, :num_columns, :num_rows].T.reshape(-1, 3, 1)) tr = sklearn.neighbors.KDTree(centroids_coords.squeeze().T) del centroids_coords points = np.stack(trajectory_gdf.geometry.apply(lambda x: np.array(x.coords.xy))) time = trajectory_gdf.timespan_seconds.values / 3600 r = maxspeed * time * 1000 start = tr.query_radius(points[:, :, 0], r=r, return_distance=True) end = tr.query_radius(points[:, :, 1], r=r, return_distance=True) del tr, points, r shape = weibull_pdf.shape scale = weibull_pdf.scale x = np.arange(0.001, maxspeed, 0.001) y = (4 * shape * scale ** (-shape) / np.pi) * np.array( [scipy.integrate.quad(_etd, m, maxspeed, args=(shape, scale, m))[0] for m in x] ) raster_ndarray = np.zeros(num_rows * num_columns, dtype=np.float64) for k in range(len(start[0])): a, b, c = np.intersect1d(start[0][k], end[0][k], return_indices=True) speeds = (start[1][k][b] + end[1][k][c]) * 0.001 / time[k] i = speeds < maxspeed vals = y[np.digitize(speeds[i], x[:-1])] / time[k] raster_ndarray[a[i]] += vals / vals.sum() / time[k] # Normalize the grid values raster_ndarray = raster_ndarray / raster_ndarray.sum() # Set the null data values raster_ndarray[raster_ndarray == 0] = raster_profile.nodata_value # write raster_ndarray to GeoTIFF file. raster.RasterPy.write( ndarray=raster_ndarray.reshape(num_rows, num_columns), fp=output_path, **raster_profile, )