Source code for ecoscope.analysis.seasons

import logging

import ee
import numpy as np
import pandas
import shapely
import sklearn.mixture
from scipy.stats import norm
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def _min_max_scaler(x): x = np.array(x, dtype=np.float64) x_min = np.nanmin(x) x_max = np.nanmax(x) x_std = (x - x_min) / (x_max - x_min) # in the range 0..1 return x_std
[docs] def std_ndvi_vals(aoi=None, img_coll=None, band=None, img_scale=1, start=None, end=None): coll = ( ee.ImageCollection(img_coll) .select(band) .filterDate(start, end) .map(lambda x: x.multiply(ee.Image(img_scale)).set("system:time_start", x.get("system:time_start"))) ) if aoi: geo = ee.Feature(shapely.geometry.mapping(aoi)).geometry() else: geo = None ndvi_vals = coll.toBands().reduceRegion("mean", geo, bestEffort=True).values().getInfo() df = pandas.DataFrame( { "img_date": pandas.to_datetime(coll.aggregate_array("system:time_start").getInfo(), unit="ms", utc=True), "NDVI": ndvi_vals, } ).dropna(axis=0) df["NDVI"] = _min_max_scaler(df["NDVI"]) return df
[docs] def val_cuts(vals, num_seasons=2): distr = sklearn.mixture.GaussianMixture(n_components=num_seasons, max_iter=500) vals = vals["NDVI"].to_numpy().reshape(-1, 1) mu_vars = np.array( sorted( zip(distr.means_.flatten(), distr.covariances_.flatten()), key=lambda x: x[0], ) ) cuts = [] x = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 1000) for i in range(1, len(mu_vars)): cuts.append( np.max( x[ tuple( [ norm.sf( x, loc=mu_vars[tuple([i - 1, 0])], scale=np.sqrt(mu_vars[tuple([i - 1, 1])]), ) > norm.cdf( x, loc=mu_vars[tuple([i, 0])], scale=np.sqrt(mu_vars[tuple([i, 1])]), ) ] ) ] ) ) cuts.append(float("inf")) cuts.append(float("-inf")) return sorted(cuts)
[docs] def seasonal_windows(ndvi_vals, cuts, season_labels): enc = LabelEncoder() ndvi_vals["season"] = pandas.cut(ndvi_vals["NDVI"], bins=cuts, labels=season_labels) ndvi_vals["season_code"] = enc.fit_transform(ndvi_vals["season"]) ndvi_vals["unique_season"] = (ndvi_vals["season_code"].diff(1) != 0).astype("int").cumsum() ndvi_vals["end"] = ndvi_vals["img_date"].shift(-1) # Note: There is a slight shift that needs to be done with the date-ranges returned by GEE. What happens is that # the image daterange use 12:00 a.m on the given day rather than midnight so it introduces day long gaps in the # time windows. Therefore need to add 1 day to each of the end dates to make them align exactly with the next # successive start date grpd = ndvi_vals.groupby("unique_season") return pandas.DataFrame( { "start": pandas.Series([grp["img_date"].iloc[0] for _, grp in grpd]), "end": pandas.Series([grp["img_date"].iloc[-1] for _, grp in grpd]).apply( lambda x: x + pandas.Timedelta(days=1) ), "season": pandas.Series(grp["season"].iloc[0] for name, grp in grpd), "unique_season": pandas.Series([name for name, _ in grpd]), } ).set_index("unique_season")
[docs] def add_seasonal_index( df, index_name, start_date, end_date, aoi_geom_filter=None, seasons=2, season_labels=["dry", "wet"] ): aoi_ = None try: aoi_ = aoi_geom_filter.dissolve().iloc[0]["geometry"] except: aoi_ = aoi_geom_filter if len(season_labels) != seasons: raise Exception( f"Parameter value 'seasons' ({seasons}) must match the number of 'season_labels' elements ({season_labels})" ) # extract the standardized NDVI ndvi_vals within the AOI ndvi_vals = std_ndvi_vals(aoi_, start=since_filter.isoformat(), end=until_filter.isoformat()) # calculate the seasonal transition point cuts = val_cuts(ndvi_vals, seasons) # determine the seasonal time windows windows = seasonal_windows(ndvi_vals, cuts, season_labels) # Categorize the fixtime values according to the season bins = pandas.IntervalIndex(data=windows.apply(lambda x: pandas.Interval(x["start"], x["end"]), axis=1)) labels = windows.season df[index_name] = pandas.cut(df[time_col], bins=bins).map(dict(zip(bins, labels))) # set the index return df.set_index(index_name, append=True)