:py:mod:`ecoscope.analysis.UD.etd_range` ======================================== .. py:module:: ecoscope.analysis.UD.etd_range Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: __etd__(_, a) .. py:data:: _etd .. py:class:: WeibullPDF .. py:method:: fit(data, floc=0) :staticmethod: .. py:method:: pdf(data, shape, location=0, scale=1) :staticmethod: .. py:method:: cdf(data, shape, location=0, scale=1) :staticmethod: .. py:method:: nelder_mead(func, x0, args=(), **kwargs) :staticmethod: .. py:method:: expected_func(speed, shape, scale, time, distance) :staticmethod: .. py:class:: Weibull2Parameter Bases: :py:obj:`WeibullPDF` .. py:attribute:: shape :type: float :value: 1.0 .. py:attribute:: scale :type: float :value: 1.0 .. py:class:: Weibull3Parameter Bases: :py:obj:`WeibullPDF` .. py:attribute:: shape :type: float :value: 1.0 .. py:attribute:: a :type: float :value: 1.0 .. py:attribute:: b :type: float :value: 1.0 .. py:attribute:: c :type: float :value: 1.0 .. py:function:: calculate_etd_range(trajectory_gdf, output_path, max_speed_kmhr = 0.0, max_speed_percentage = 0.9999, raster_profile = None, expansion_factor = 1.3, weibull_pdf = Weibull2Parameter()) The ETDRange class provides a trajectory-based, nonparametric approach to estimate the utilization distribution (UD) of an animal, using model parameters derived directly from the movement behaviour of the species. The model builds on the theory of "time-geography" whereby elliptical constrain- ing regions are established between temporally adjacent recorded locations. :param trajectory_gdf: :type trajectory_gdf: geopandas.GeoDataFrame :param output_path: :type output_path: str or PathLike :param max_speed_kmhr: :type max_speed_kmhr: float :param max_speed_percentage: :type max_speed_percentage: 0.999 :param raster_profile: :type raster_profile: raster.RasterProfile :param expansion_factor: :type expansion_factor: float :param weibull_pdf: :type weibull_pdf: Weibull2Parameter or Weibull3Parameter :returns: **output_path** :rtype: str